Sunday, August 26, 2007

Talking Heads

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Talking Heads

The gospel according to us they preach
Gazing into cameras beyond our reach
Barbie doll faces and Ken doll smiles as empty as the heads
That hold em high
Baring teeth as sharp as they’re dumb
The day’s fab stories roll off their tounges
Sensationally overblown to dumb us down

In the end it all comes down on the heads of the poor
Just like a cleaver on meat to be consumed
By the fat cats licking their paws savoring the blood
Whom with a flick we turn on
But find it impossible to shut them off
Addicted to the drug they pump into our minds
Victims of the conspiracy that makes us blind

If seeing is believing then mother take our eyes
Take away our sense of perception
Suspend our beliefs in our pumped up minds
If hearing is knowing then take away the sound
And replace it with the vacuum
Remnants of our minds
And block out the talking heads of our time

And we sing and dance to the sound of the money
In the pockets of the rich unable to hear above the din
The stealing of our minds and the nation of zombies
Created by States of oppression
Fostered by indoctrination
Consumed by the hungry through feeding tubes
Administered by monsters with demented minds!

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