Saturday, September 29, 2007

Triple D

D – Debt that the US owes
D – Death of the US dollar
D –Depression that is coming.

The US cannot repay its debt with the currency they currently have. On account of this the US dollar will continue to fall, it will die and then a different currency will be created which will in turn be used to repay the debt the US has valued in its current currency. Anyone who thinks that the fall of the US dollar is temporary is delusional.

For anyone who thinks that it will just be a recession that is coming, I have news for you, you are already in a recession, what is ahead is the worst depression known to man. I just state the obvious for those that have the insight to see, based on facts supported by numbers.

Anyone who is smart enough will get out of debt as soon as possible, even if it means walking away from the mortgaged home they currently live in, buried in debt. If your home is not worth the debt you currently have on it, then, it is probably wise to let it go, because it is not going to regain that value for at least for another 10 to 15 years.

What is coming is not going to be pleasant, yes there will still be work for some, but the world as we know it today will drastically change. Prepare for a long cold winter, if it comes then you have prepared yourself, if it does not happen then great!

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